Guido Guidi
Gibellina, November 1989
C-type contact print from an 8x10 inch neg.
Image 19.5 x 24.5 cm [HxW] (7 ¹¹⁄₁₆" x 9 ²¹⁄₃₂”)
Courtesy the artist and Large Glass, London
©Guido Guidi
Founded in 2011, Large Glass gallery shows the work of a number of International contemporary artists. Our mission is to make exhibitions that reflect the wider and overlapping cultures within which art is made. We give as much attention to the process of making the work as the 'finished' piece. The programme includes solo and group exhibitions focusing on a central idea. With a growing emphasis on photography, the gallery represents Guido Guidi, Hélène Binet, Gerry Johansson, Francesco Neri and Mark Ruwedel. The gallery also represents the conceptual artists Hendl Helen Mirra and Joëlle Tuerlinckx.